It’s almost summertime in Virginia. The team at Air Handlers Heating & Cooling hopes you find time to relax with friends and family, taking in the beautiful sunny days. On days when it gets a bit too sunny, you can jump in a pool or bask in the cool breeze your air conditioner provides.
Continue ReadingYou decided to part ways with your old air conditioning (AC) system. It is not always an easy decision to make.
Continue ReadingYour air conditioning lives in your home full time—why not get acquainted with it?
By learning a bit about your AC’s components and functions, you’ll have an easier time caring for it. Problems will be easier to identify and communicate to one of our Air Handlers Heating & Cooling specialists.
Continue ReadingLiving by the ocean is lovely. Here in Virginia, seaside properties are highly sought after. It’s not hard to see why––you can swim or get a suntan, with picturesque views and calming ambiance.
Continue ReadingOil changes keep your car running. Similar maintenance keeps your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment operating safely and efficiently throughout the year.
Continue ReadingWhen indoor plumbing became more popular in the 1940s, a whole new level of comfort and convenience began for homeowners. However, with that convenience came new challenges.
Continue ReadingDo you regularly maintain your Chesapeake home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment? Do not overlook your heat pump’s condensate drain line.
Continue ReadingFurnace filters remove the dust and debris to also prevent buildup inside your unit. This accumulation can cause system problems and deterioration.
Continue ReadingHeating and cooling are the two biggest culprits. The average household in the United States spends about $1,400 a year on energy bills, according to, with nearly half of that amount going to heating and cooling.
Continue ReadingSo, you’re looking for a new heating or cooling system.
Remember, it’s okay to be inquisitive when talking to your HVAC contractor. In fact, Air Handlers Heating & Cooling encourages it. An open dialogue helps us deliver the best possible comfort solution for your Virginia home.
Continue ReadingAir Handlers is a full service heating and air conditioning company. Providing outstanding customer service and HVAC repair, service and installation to Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, parts of Suffolk.